Sunday, April 28, 2013

New and Improved Sanity Savers!

Hi Folks!  Remember me?  I came upon my long lost blog the other day and realized how badly I actually need this blog to save my sanity!  After reading the posts from 3 years ago it brought back lots of memories, some good, some kinda painful (ahem my cookie dough addiction...I'm over that addiction now thank goodness!).  I realized that I have come a long way since my last posts, thank you PINTEREST!  So here's some updates:

Improvement #1:
 Remember this friend?  Well guess what else you can do with it?!?  Did you know that if you fill it with equal parts white vinegar and liquid dish soap you can keep it in your shower and use it as a daily shower cleaner?!  How awesome is that?  I'm a big fan of cleaning the shower when I'm already in there...just makes sense!

Also, we found that when using it to wash dishes the concentrated dawn dish soap was too thick to get onto the sponge and it just wasn't working well.  So I dilute it with about a tablespoon or so of white vinegar and it comes out nicely and kicks up the cleaning power as well.

It's good to be back!!!  Come back often or just enter your email address on the side and you'll be updated every time I blog.

Keep it simple :)

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