Friday, January 15, 2010

Cheese puffs and Yogos

So we took my little Knowly (16 months 0ld) to the ER on Tuesday night to get stitches :( He was playing around and fell down and hit his head on the computer hutch. He had a nice clean cut on his forehead but it was really deep and I felt like it needed something to hold it together so it wouldn't get bigger. Anyways, so we're sitting in the waiting room for over an hour and luckily I had some change in my purse to buy some cheetos out of the vending machine. That kept him busy for quite a while. After we saw the doctor and he got his stitches I gave him some yogos that I'd grabbed on the way out of the house as a reward. It made him very happy. So I'm grateful for those two things keeping my little boy happy! :)

1 comment:

  1. That's funny how people use food to keep others clam in stressful stiuations.
