Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Guilty Pleasure.....

I must admit I love LOVE love chocolate chip cookie dough!!! A lot of times when I'm at the grocery store I will buy the refrigerated rolls to keep in my fridge for a snack...or a "Sanity Saver" Some people hide chocolate or other "normal" treats for their hard days but me, it's gotta be the yummy gooey chocolate chip cookie dough. It's just so good! My very very favorite kind is the kind from Papa Murphy's! I've never actually tried it to see if the cookies are any good but the dough is FANTASTIC!
Unfortunately I made the mistake of introducing my children to it last night and unfortunately the LIKED it!! Now they think I have to share with them. :( Oh well, one more crazy thing they like just like me, put it up there next to cold pizza for breakfast. Speaking of breakfast....hmmm Have a good day everyone! :)

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